Analysis and Roadmap for New Project Portfolio Management and Accounting Systems

Author Mason Chaudhry

Author Mason Chaudhry

December 4, 2024

Analysis of Stakeholder Use and Needs for New and Legacy Technologies to Develop Optimal Go Forward Plan

A large federated financial institution comprised of separate legal entities, each with unique governance and fiduciary responsibilities, sought to optimize its Project Portfolio Management (PPM) and Project Accounting systems. The client wanted to create a seamless PPM and Project Accounting process through enhanced technology, process improvements and comprehensive training.

The Challenge

A complex PPM and Project Accounting system with various levels of technology adoption across functional units and uneven usage of system tools was creating challenges such as project delays, cost overruns and reduced productivity. An independent assessment of the current state was needed to understand the Problem Space and create a future roadmap.

A multifaceted approach identified Stakeholder needs across business units that were then mapped to two distinctly different technologies that have overlapping functionalities. The challenge was to create a plan that optimally leveraged both tools’ features and functionalities while meeting the diverse needs of Stakeholders. Stakeholder empathy maps, an analysis of the features and functionalities of both technologies and a roadmap including use of specific technology capabilities were developed.

The Change

A focused Problem Space Assessment from Stakeholder interviews analyzed the various business units’ PPM and Accounting Management functions and identified local and system-wide Stakeholder needs. More than 60 Stakeholders representing CIOs, executives, managers and practitioners across multiple business units were interviewed to understand pain points, tool and technology usage, challenges, behaviors and future needs. Identified areas of improvement included:

  • Patchwork systems with many manual steps
  • Lack of standardization in process and tool usage
  • A wide range of Agile maturity and practice across business units
  • Primary, legacy ERP technology with limited functionality
  • Reporting functionality that did not address critical needs
  • Limited integration
  • Limited knowledge of available PPM technology
  • No common taxonomy
  • Limited ability to collaborate between interconnected business units

While feedback on the current state varied, there was collective agreement on the primary issues that Stakeholders want to see addressed in a future state.

The Results

Using findings from the Stakeholder assessment, xScion conducted a comprehensive, impartial analysis of the feasibility and features of the legacy financial enterprise planning technology and the new PPM and Enterprise Agile suite to get a true view of the features and functionalities of both. Using Lean and SAFe Scale Agile methodologies, a weighted system of identifying needs, comparing the technologies and analyzing the alternatives was created to analyze the individual elements of each technology in the context of user needs, industry best practices and interoperability with a focus on alignment with broad, system-wide strategic objectives.

A Product Dossier was created identifying the best use of each technology given the system’s current state and needs with strengths, weaknesses and rationale indicated for why a particular tool is the best option for a particular function. Recommendations and Roadmaps were provided based on the reality on the ground for optimal Go-Forward planning to achieve the client’s objective of seamless PPM and Project Accounting process.

The Value

Stakeholder analysis found a wide range of perspectives in terms of understanding and usage of available tools and technology across people and business units. With various perspectives and practices spread across a federated institution, it can be challenging for clients to chart a path forward without impartial analysis by external partners with expertise in the technology, processes and industry best practices.

xScion created a true understanding of the client’s current state, mapped Stakeholder needs and provided guidance on which features and functionalities of both legacy and new technologies supported both Stakeholder and system-wide objectives. Through reconciliation of Stakeholder needs (Problem Space Analysis), system objectives and technological capabilities, a recommended roadmap was created.

The multi-faceted process increases the client’s odds of success and allows them to reach their desired future state more quickly while optimizing the value from their investments in technology spending and organizational transformation along the way.

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